Leanne Hearne's story
Weight Lost: 5 Stone*
The Slimming Clinic Clinic’s medication is the best I’ve ever tried - nothing compares to it. I have more energy, no side effects and it has definitely changed my life.*
At my heaviest, I weighed 16 stone and 9 pounds and my BMI was a massive 38.8. I managed to shed some of the weight myself, but once I started on the prescription medication, the weight simply dropped off. I now weigh 11 stone and 7 pounds and my BMI is 26.7. I had always suffered with weight problems and was extremely unfit and unable to buy nice clothes. My main downfalls were crisps, lager and just generally snacking in-between meals, whereas now I am able to completely avoid chips and crisps and I love being able to buy nice clothes. I joined The Slimming Clinic after seeing a friend do so well at the Swansea Clinic. I’ve found it really easy and have had excellent support from the staff there. I’m now much fitter, healthier and even enjoy looking in the mirror! I’ve found this weight loss journey really easy, but it has been really important to include lots of exercise with the programme. It’s also imperative to drink lots of water and give yourself a treat now and again. The Slimming Clinic’s medication is the best I’ve ever tried - nothing compares to it. I have more energy, no side effects and it has definitely changed my life. I have also increased my exercise regime significantly, attending Funky Pump in Swansea several times a week as it’s an amazing fun workout session. The exercise, combined with the weight loss has made me feel like a new woman. I plan to maintain my weight loss with continued exercise and a maintenance plan recommended by my The Slimming Clinic doctor.
Which celebs are your 'fitness' idols? Is there anyone you've looked up to during your weight-loss journey?
I use Janet Jackson and her six pack as my inspiration to lose weight and get fit.
Was there a point where you realised, “I’m really going to do it this time”? How motivating was that?
I knew quite soon after starting the medication that I was really going to do it this time, simply because the weight fell off so quickly.
What would you say to someone who wanted to lose a large amount of weight?
I would tell anyone who has a large amount of weight to lose to join The Slimming Clinic immediately and go on the prescription medication.
*Weight loss will vary due to your individual circumstances.
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