Halloween can feel like more of a trick than treat when the kids are home and the candy is on hand ready for the big day. It can be easy to turn a couple of treats into a whole week of snacking on kids food. You trick yourself into thinking that you can handle just one but it can be too easy to want just one more. Here are some tips to keep you on track and avoid the temptation of a candy apple.


1. Keep to your rules

There’s going to be sugary treats on offer so its best to set your limits. Keep to just one or two small treats a day. If you are an all or nothing kind of person, have days where you have a treat and a day where you don’t have a treat.


2. Make healthy treats with your children

There are loads of healthy recipes out there that are child friendly (especially Halloween themed) so get exploring!


3. Work out a workout

Even if you are restricted from doing your usual exercise regime, there are ways around to exercise with the kids. Whether you go for a walk, run, or a kick around in the garden, just keep moving!


4. Pack a lunch

Going bowling for example can mean that burgers, chips and sugary drinks are on offer. By having a packed lunch out elsewhere this can help keep you on a healthy diet.


5. Have some ‘me’ time

Give yourself 15 minutes each day to de-stress. Take a bath, read a book or meditate. Being stressed can actually inhibit weight loss so it’s more important than ever to give yourself a breather.


6. Emergency food

In case your energy levels drop, carry some food with you such as a piece of fruit or some nuts. This will help you feel less peckish and avoid buying something unhealthy. Where there’s a choice there’s a way!


7. Hydrate Yourself

Kick those cravings can be helped by keeping hydrated. Not only does it help suppress your appetite, it also helps with your concentration.


8. Track your treats

Those small snack bars may not seem like much but they can easily add up. Track how many you have so you know your limit.



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