During your slimming journey with the The Slimming Clinic there might be the need to take a 2 week break from the prescriptive appetite suppressant medication.

From our years of experience in helping patients achieve fantastic weight loss results we know that these couple of weeks break make a positive difference in getting you towards your weight loss goal. Your The Slimming Clinic doctor will decide when the best time for your 2 week medication break should be, but this is usually around 12-14 weeks of continuous medication.

This is only a break from your medication though, not from your weight loss journey! 

Don’t think of these 2 weeks as a time to eat lots of naughty food because you are “on a break”.

Your The Slimming Clinic doctor can still see you for your weekly weight check and you can use our other slimming aids such as SlimSlim, Chromium and Carb Blocker to support you during this time if you would like.

If you continue with the positive diet and exercise changes you’ve made there’s no reason why you should regain any weight during these 2 weeks. However, if you do find the 2 weeks a struggle, discuss what you found hardest with your The Slimming Clinic doctor who can offer advice and support.

Exercise is a brilliant way to help boost your weight loss efforts – why not check out our 12 week exercise challenge here

For more information call us on 0800 917 9334

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