The Slimming Clinic Blog
Keeping Active in the Cold Weather
It can be easy to come up with excuses to not exercise when the weather is cold. Whether it’s not wanting to leave the warmth of your home or a case of simply not feeling motivated to get moving, this article has some ideas on how you can stay active and fit in the...
Healthy Breakfast Muffins Recipe
We found a recipe for these delicious and healthy breakfast muffins that are only 196 calories per serving and are a great, filling way to start your day. Delicious and delightful to eat, you’ll never want to forget having breakfast again. You Will Need: 2 large eggs...
‘TeaTox’ Diets
The start of a New Year brings with it lots of ‘New Year, New You’ advertisements. Amongst these is the TeaTox industry, which claims to help you lose weight by simply drinking this tea. Offering such a quick fix with the endorsement of popular celebrities like Kylie...
Sticking to New Years Resolutions
After perhaps over-indulging in food over Christmas and at New Years parties, and letting your exercise regime slide a little, the 1st January seems like the perfect opportunity to get back on the horse and start focusing on your weight loss journey again. If you have...
New Year, New You
It can be difficult to know where to begin when your New Year resolution is simply ‘get fit’ or ‘lose weight’. The Slimming Clinic can help you find a starting point for your weight loss journey as well as guiding you through it. Here are some tips to help you figure...
Happy New Year
Happy New Year! Let's make 2017 your year! We'll be back in on Tuesday 3rd January - so give us a call then and book in for your FREE consultation. The Slimming Clinic can help you achieve your weight loss goals safely and effectively. The Slimming Clinic operate 27...
Staying Healthy on New Years Eve
New Years Eve is a difficult night to stay healthy- the party food, finger buffets and the copious amounts of alcohol. To help avoid temptation and to help you prepare for a healthy New Years Eve, read these top tips: 1.If you are hosting a party you have control over...
The Slimming Clinic can help you lose weight
We hope you all had a wonderful Christmas! Feel like you’ve put on a stone from yesterday? Well give us a call on 28th December on 0800917334 to book in for your free weight loss consultation ready for the new year. Alternatively you can request a call back by filling...
Have a Cracking Christmas!
Christmas day is a time to relax but should not get in the way of your weight loss journey. You can still enjoy the day with your family whilst eating healthily and without compromising the Christmas cheer. See our top tips to stay in ship shape this Christmas: ...
Driving Home for Christmas…
Staying healthy on your way back home for Christmas. Whether you’re driving, on a plane, train or coach, it’s not easy to keep to a healthy diet with the allure of convenience fast food everywhere you go. Here are some tips to help keep you on track on the great...
LBD Challenge Week 12
Congratulations! You have made it to the end of “The Slimming Clinic Little Black Dress Challenge 2016.” Well done for all the progress and hard work you have made throughout this month; that black dress is going to look amazing. However, the end of this challenge...
LBD Challenge Week 11
Christmas is only 2 weeks away, and the number of meals out and dinner party invites are increasing. Trying to eat healthily during this time of year can be difficult, so why not host your own dinner party? This way you can have control over your portion sizes and...