Do you find that regardless of your good intensions you end up eating or snacking more due to boredom or anxiety or...
Mental Health & Well-Being
Find Your Body Confidence
Spring and summer are such fantastic times of year. The days are longer, brighter and warmer and moods are instantly...
How Exercise can Help During Isolation
Whilst is it important to keep your health and fitness up during these unusual times, we should also consider the...
Balancing work and home life
The life adjustments we have all had to make over the last weeks have been pretty seismic and most of us are finding...
Tips for beating boredom in isolation
We are all presently dealing with a very different way of life and one that, for most of us, has been quite a shock to...
Important COVID-19 Update
During the outbreak of COVID-19, we have taken extra measures to ensure that the health and well-being of our patients...
Can better sleep help you lose weight?
Sleep is great isn’t it? Think about how refreshed and alert you feel after a good night’s sleep. But did you know...
Check Your Batteries
To recharge your batteries PHRASE Definition: To rest and relax for a period of time so that you feel energetic again...
The Power of Holistic Weight Loss
Do you lose weight but then find it hard to keep off? Or have you struggled with your weight for a while? What...
Self-Care Ideas to Support Your Weight Loss Journey
When you think about self-care, what pops into your head? An afternoon off from the kids? Time spent in the sun?...