Name: Kristiana Sdobnikovaite Age: 29 Occupation: Health Care Assistant Starting Date with The Slimming Clinic:...
Weight Loss and Healthy Eating Tips
Ryan’s Weight Loss Story – Month 1 Results
Name: Ryan Herridge Date Started with The Slimming Clinic: 07/01/2021 Starting weight: 27st 6lbs Target Weight: 17st...
Protected: Our Moods, Hormones and Their Impact on Weight Loss
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Protected: Weight Loss Diets and PCOS
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Love Yourself Weight Loss Guide
Love Yourself On Your Weight Loss Journey We know that loving yourself can be hard when you're on a weight loss...
How to spot and avoid fad weight loss diets!
This January, has your inbox and social media feed been inundated with the latest “miracle diet”? This time of year,...
Never give up!
How is your new year’s resolution going? What promises did you make to yourself at the beginning of the year and are...
What is appetite and can it be controlled?
Understanding appetite and how it is controlled can help us to think about how and why we eat, especially when we are...
Distraction Techniques Weight Loss Guide
A weight loss diet is a much-tested thing. You might find that you’re constantly telling friends you can’t meet at the...
Staying Motivated and Active This Winter
Winter can be a tough time especially if you are trying to stick to a new, healthier lifestyle. Heading to work and...