At The Slimming Clinic we have been looking for a healthy, delicious recipe for us to cook for all the family this...
Healthy Recipes
Slimming recipe: Mexican veggie wraps
With Summer in full swing and the weather more sunny than we could imagine having friends over in the evening is the...
Vegetable Pasta Slimming Recipe…
Who doesn’t love pasta? But we are all too aware that pasta helps pile on those extra pounds we’re desperate to lose...
Healthy smoothies and fruit juices…
Taken from the ‘Deliciously Ella’ blog that showcases healthy, plant-based recipes, try making these colourful,...
Slimming Summer Smoothie Recipe
Cool down the summer with a refreshing and fruity Strawberry, Mint and Cucumber Smoothie. This truly sensational drink...
The Perfect Winter Breakfast…
It’s not too long until Christmas, the mornings are getting colder, and the perfect breakfast to help you lose weight...
Low calorie broccoli recipe…
Broccoli is known as a superfood and we are not surprised; the health benefits of this delicious green vegetable are...
Delicious Low Calorie Pizza Recipe…
We all know that feeling of when the smell of our favourite guilty pleasure is overwhelmingly tempting us to throw in...
Weight Loss Recipe of the Month: Bolognese Moussaka
Moussaka is a traditional baked Greek dish made with layers of aubergine slices and a meat sauce topped with a thick...
Delicious Healthy Pancake Recipes…
As today is Shrove Tuesday, we have been on the hunt for the healthiest pancake recipe. Pancake Day offers an easy...