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Two weeks until your holiday…Diet

Now we roll into week two of our three week guide, we must think about getting the most out of our pre-holiday diet. Nobody wants to walk down the beach feeling run down or bloated, you want to be the best version you can be. This is why we have so lovingly collected some great tips for you that will assist you in your holiday countdown…

1. Firstly try to avoid eating large quantities of starchy foods a couple of weeks before your holiday. By eating starchy foods such as white bread, pasta, rice and cakes, your body tends to find it harder to digest and causes the intestine to expand, which causes that pesky bloating we all hate.

2. Drink as much water as possible before your holiday, as it’s an excellent way of flushing out any toxins, which will leave plenty of room for all those other toxins you will inevitably get on holiday…

3. Along with lots of water, try to cut out alcohol completely if you can! It will help your gut pre-holiday and it will give you wonderful glowing skin for your holiday (Don’t worry, you can still drink when you’re on holiday).

4. Herbal teas and supplements are also a fabulous and easy way to keep your body as healthy as possible for your holiday. Make sure to use Probiotics such as Acidophilus and Bifido and drink plenty of peppermint, apple cider vinegar, aloe vera, ginger, fennel and camomile teas and supplements for excellent results.

5. Growing scientific evidence indicates that a diet rich in calcium allows us to burn more calories per day so make certain that calcium-rich foods such as cottage cheese, spinach and salmon are in your pre-holiday diet.

6. Studies also suggest that Omega 3 fatty acids are one of the great secrets to permanent fat loss (shh!) and can be found in the likes of oily fish, kidney beans and walnuts.

7. One of the easiest fat burning recipes is an easy to make smoothie. A combination of green tea, blueberries and bananas, we have a recipe that will leave you feeling like a nutritional powerhouse…


Green Tea, Blueberry, and Banana Smoothie Recipe

Serves 1

  • 3 Tbsp water
  • 1 green tea bag
  • 2 tsp honey
  • 1 ½ cup frozen blueberries
  • Half a medium banana
  • ¾ cup calcium fortified light vanilla soy milk
  1. Microwave water on high until steaming hot in a small bowl. Add tea bag and allow brewing for 3 minutes. Remove tea bag. Stir honey into tea until it dissolves.
  2. Combine berries, banana, and milk in a blender with ice crushing ability.
  3. Add tea to blender. Blend ingredients on highest setting until smooth.
  4. Poor smoothie into tall glass and serve.

Nutrition (per serving) 269 cals, 2.5g fat, 0.2g sat fat, 52mg sodium, 63g carbs, 38.5 sugars, 8g fiber, 3.5g protein



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