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Going travelling? Top tips how to stay healthy and on track whilst travelling

When it comes to travelling, nothing’s ever easy. And when it comes to travelling and staying healthy, well that’s a whole new problem. You may think that weeks filled with busy airports and alluring fast-food chains mean that your routine is going to go straight out the window, but fear not! There are countless ways in which you can take control of your health, even if you can’t seem to control where your luggage ends up…

 Here at The Slimming Clinic, we have lovingly collected our 10 top tips for staying on the health track whilst you’re busy exploring the world.

1. First things first, do your research. Research the place you are going too, does it have gym facilities included or nearby? Although you wouldn’t think it, there’s usually a high chance of there being some form of exercise facility near where you’re planning on staying. By doing your homework before you go, you can choose a location that offers you all the joys of travelling with the ease of mind that you don’t have to stop your exercise routine!

2. Hydration is key to a happy, healthy traveller. There is nothing worse than attempting to travel dehydrated as it will just leave you feeling tired and agitated. This is why if you are travelling you should avoid drinking alcohol and coffee, as that will just dehydrate you further! Also, by taking a re-usable water bottle with you and filling it up after airport security, you are able to keep yourself hydrated on the go and will inevitably save some money too!

3. Travelling can really take it out of you, so make sure to get at least 6-8 hours of sleep a night. With all the extra walking and travelling you will be doing, sleep can sometimes taking a backseat but will leave you feeling physically drained and cranky after a while, so make sure to prioritise sleep because it really will help in the long run.

4. There’s nothing worse than being on a strict diet on the go. Although some airports and train stations are now pioneering healthy food options, the majority of food you see is still heavy on the calories. By bringing your own healthy snacks, such as Rivita, you are able to stick to your diet and not be tempted by those pesky fast food chains! (If you are flying, be advised to take dry foods such as nuts and seeds, as liquids will be confiscated at security)

5. One of the hardest parts about travelling is the temptation of all that wonderful, unhealthy food. Wherever you go, there will be numerous restaurants and fast food chains that will try and entice you but you need to stay strong! Many places you go will have outstanding local markets, where you can pick up fresh produce, meats and seafood, which will give you the protein you need to resist infection and will also rebuild your muscles.

6. Make a special effort to stick to your exercise routine whilst travelling. Even though this is more difficult when you’re in a different city every night, if you can adapt your exercise routine, you can stay on the health track! By planning an exercise schedule that can easily be done in your hotel room, you can take your routine all over the world! iTRAIN ( is one of several companies that now provide downloadable routines, which is perfect for the health conscious traveller.

7. Just because you’re trying to stay on the health track does not mean you can’t have any fun…You can see the world by bicycle with, a clearinghouse for guided and self-guided tours throughout Europe. You’ll cycle along Scenic River banks, past vineyards, all combined with the fact you’re getting all that lovely exercise and fresh air!

8. Take care of your health by bringing supplements and vitamins on your travels. This way you can bump up your immune system to fight all those pesky foreign bugs and improve your overall state of mind, as you will feel more energised and ready to go. Combine this with a first-aid kit, equipped for all your travelling needs, and you will be proactively preparing yourself for your travels…

9. Lastly, do not stress. The key to a healthy body is a healthy mind and it won’t do you any favours to spend your travels being stressed about your health routine. Being in a different country, surrounded by new things, do not worry if you are not as behaved as you are at home, because after all you are on holiday! As long as you get at least one main healthy meal in a day and some form of exercise, you’re sure to stay on the health track.



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