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How to keep healthy during a New Years Party

Dieting Tips and Recipes During Special Celebrations

We’ve managed to stay away from all the temptations that Christmas brings, but now the New Year is lingering and a whole host of sweet and unhealthy food are coming our way. Try to be sensible throughout the party season and keep binging to a minimum. It is hard to say no, but keep up the willpower that you have had over the festive season, and here are a few top tips on how to keep fit and healthy over New Year!


The party season brings so much temptation with snacks, canapés and alcohol floating around. To combat this try making a healthy meal before you go out. This means you don’t turn up to the party hungry and eat anything and everything you see. It means you know exactly what you’re putting into your body and helps you to avoid over indulging on the treats available. This is also a good idea if you plan on drinking as it is never sensible to drink on an empty stomach.


The festive season and New Year means the Prosecco, beers and wine are flowing and this can make it extremely hard to say no! You are allowed to drink but make sure that you are sensible with it – eating before will help. Try alternating drinks with a soft drink of water or juice, to keep you hydrated and to pace yourself. Avoid beers and ciders and opt for a drink with less calories . We recommend Vodka, Soda and Fresh Lime as it is refreshing and low in calories.


On the morning of the party, the best thing you can do is exercise. Whether this is a gentle jog or a HIIT session in the gym, this will reduce stress, improve your mood and get you feeling great for the party – meaning you are allowed to treat yourself. The next day, for the best cure if you did end up having one or two too many – exercise again.

For more details on how to stay healthy during the New Year period, click here and here:

Stay safe and have a Happy New Year!

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