Autumn is now upon us and the holidays that we were using as motivation to get that bikini body have been and gone. ...
Weight Loss and Healthy Eating Tips
The Slimming Clinic’s tips on how to avoid a bloating belly…
Everyone wants a flat stomach not just to look good on the beach but also for health reasons. Carrying excess weight...
Everything You Need To Know About Food Cravings
Food Cravings: Our Top Tips Looking for ways to combat your food cravings? Every time you start a weight loss diet you...
Portion Size Guide: What Are Correct Portion Sizes?
One of the crucial skills necessary for successful, long-term weight loss is the ability to follow a portion size...
Stay Healthy: Eating your 5 a day…
Fruit and vegetables are part of a balanced diet and can help us stay healthy. That’s why it’s so important that we...
Prevention Tips for Irritable Bowel Syndrome…
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is so common amongst people of all ages; many Doctors consider it second to the Common...
The Slimming Clinic Clinic’s Top Juicing Tips…
Juicing is becoming a very popular diet supplement for all those health fanatics out there. We would like to share...
Health Benefits of Bananas
Bananas are a busy, health conscious mum’s best friend. They have endless benefits and are so easy to prepare – rip...
Healthy Drink Swaps
When you think about a weight loss diet, you often only associate calorie counting on your food intake but did you...
The health benefits of water to help with successful slimming…
Water is all around us, from the stuff we swim in to the beverage we drink. In fact, with our bodies consisting of...