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Why Waist Size Is a Better Measure of Health

The body mass index calculation is almost 200 years old – is it time we looked at more accurate measures of obesity…

29/05/24 | The Telegraph
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MSN News - Is BMI accurate

Why Tightening Waistband Is a Better Measure of Health Than BMI

We are obsessed by weight in this country and as long as our weight stays roughly the same, who cares about that tightening waistband? It’s the all important number on the scales that counts. And who can blame us…

29/05/24 | MSN
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Four Things That Can Really Help You Lose Weight

It’s believed that over 25% of U.K. adults are obese, and a further 37% are overweight. If you are looking to lose some weight, leading experts from The Slimming Clinic, the U.K.’s largest online weight-loss clinic, have shared the four things that can really help you drop some pounds. And some of them may come as a surprise…

28/05/24 | Yahoo!
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Yahoo News - Ozempic

People Urged to Stop Getting Ozempic From ‘Faceless’ Illegitimate Sources

Last October, Britons were warned about the dangers of buying weight loss medication from illegitimate sources, after several people had to be hospitalised after taking fake versions of the drugs. But interest in drugs with semaglutide – including Ozempic, Wegovy, Mounjaro and more – has continued to soar, with medical professionals warning that people are still turning to unlicensed and unregistered providers for it…

28/05/24 | Yahoo!
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Forget the Mediterranean Diet

The Atlantic diet is (literally) a stone’s throw from the Mediterranean way of eating, requiring no complicated ingredients or restrictions. In fact, chances are you’re already eating in a fairly similar way. The Atlantic diet refers to a dietary pattern found commonly in Northwest Spain and Portugal…

27/05/24 | Marie Claire
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Atlantic Diet
The independent article ozempic

What Happens if You Take Ozempic if You’re Not Officially Overweight?

As new weight loss jabs become more available, Olivia Petter has noticed that more people are using Ozempic and Wegovy for lifestyle reasons and not because they have a medical weight problem. But what are the side effects and dangers…

18/05/24 | The Independent
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It Can Really Help You Lose Weight!

Spending the first five minutes of each meal in silence may really help with your weight loss. Based on the Buddhist concept of mindfulness, which is based on being fully aware of what is happening in and around you at the moment, mindful eating is quickly gaining in popularity….

16/05/24 | GB News
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Mindfulness Eating News
Britons warned a common lifestyle habit is sabotaging their weight loss

Britons Warned a Common Lifestyle Habit Is Sabotaging Their Weight Loss Efforts

To lose weight effectively, safely and sustainably, slimmers must focus on adopting a nutritious diet, drinking plenty of water and keeping active. But lifestyle factors are also incredibly important when it comes to banishing fat for good – and they may be overlooked…

14/05/24 | GB News
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Weight Loss Drug Study

I spoke to a man called Graham Hill who got the drug privately through The Slimming Clinic and said the benefits far outweigh the risks….

14/05/24 | Channel 5 News
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Channel 5 News - Weight loss medication study
Stop dieting if you want to lose weight in menopause

Stop Dieting if You Want to Lose Weight in Menopause

Dieting doesn’t work for weight loss in menopause. Here, doctors and specialists explain why – and what to do instead to lose weight healthily. If you’re finding weight loss in menopause to be a challenge, you’re not alone. In fact, because of the way hormone levels impact our body and how they change in menopause, it’s become a lot harder than it used to be…

12/05/24 | Woman & Home
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