Can You Be Body Positive and Want To Lose Weight?
There has been a lot of talk in recent years about body positivity and how we should love and accept ourselves at any weight and in any form we come in. So if you are on a weight loss diet, does that mean...Walking For Weight Loss
Walking, we can all do it! It is free, simple and a fantastic way to get activity into your day, assist with weight loss and become healthier along the way! Often, we don’t see walking as a ‘proper’ form...Your Weight Loss Is An Investment
A lot of the money we earn is spent on things like your rent or mortgage, your bills and utilities and food shops, but what happens to that little bit of spare you have left? Maybe it’s a daily...Benefits of Drinking Water for Weight Loss
Your body relies on water and other fluids to function properly and to avoid dehydration and it is vital in supporting your weight loss journey too! Most of the body’s processes that happen need...IBS Weight Gain - How Can You Manage It?
IBS weight gain is a common complaint we get here at The Slimming Clinic from our patients. It can be frustrating for you to have to eat 'unhealthy', easily digested foods, simply because you know they...Being active over Easter
Easter is coming. the sun is starting to shine and…yep, summer is just around the corner! If you are worrying that Easter will throw off your weight loss diet and lifestyle and stop you reaching your weight...Weight Loss Diet - Back to Basics
This Nutrition Week, we want to highlight how easy it can be to eat well and have a balanced weight loss diet. We want to show you the basics of eating well and how when it comes to a weight loss...Your Steps To Weight Loss Success
Changing your lifestyle and diet isn’t easy. We know this. That’s why there is a growing number of people in the UK and across the world suffering from overweight and obesity and that is why weight loss...Why You’re Not Losing Weight - The Hard Truths.
Losing weight is a simple formula, right? You eat less, you move more, you drink more water and hey presto! You’re on your way to your weight loss goals. But if you feel like you’re doing all that...Wedding Diet Tips For Brides To Be And Guests
After a couple of years of cancelled plans, postponed ceremonies and missing parties, we know that 2022 is likely to be a bumper year for weddings as we catch up on what we missed in 2020 and 2021! Have...Will losing weight help your heart health?
You don't need to be a doctor (maybe you might need a little biology knowledge though!) to know that your heart is the central muscle in your circulatory system. It pumps blood around your body, keeps...What are the health benefits of Veganuary?
Reducing or removing meat from our diet has become much more popular over the last few years and its now estimated there are over 7 million vegetarians in the UK alone. On top of this, statistics show...Why New Year's Resolutions Fail
What New Year’s resolutions have you set yourself this year? Earlier this month, we emailed a quiz to our patients and a whopping 90% of those who answered have set a new year's resolution to begin a weight...Can Dry January Help With Weight Loss?
Alcohol plays such a large part of our social culture here in the UK and over the last couple of years particularly, many of us admitted to drinking more than we should to cope with the COVID-19 pandemic. The...Your New Year's Resolution: Health Not Habits
Welcome to 2022 and welcome to your newest chance to change your life, weight loss and health over the next 12 months. Of course, changing your life doesn’t have to start on January 1st, but it is a...3 Easy Ways To Lose Weight This Holiday Season
The end of the year is almost upon us and by now, most of us are probably busy planning the festive season and aren't thinking about our own wellbeing. When it comes to our health and weight loss diet,...Amazing Weight Loss Programme Discounts!
Looking for medical weight loss help? Want to try weight loss tablet medications to see how they can support you? Wanting to try medical weight loss programmes, but not sure how it will work for you? Just...Lose Weight Before Christmas With Our Top Tips & Pre-Tox Tracker
Looking to lose weight before Christmas? We’ve all heard of a Christmas detox – you know - the health drive and weight loss diet we all promise to embark on after the festive season, usually...What Is Movement Coaching?
What is movement coaching? Movement coaching has gained in popularity in recent years. It’s safe to say that fitness has taken the world by storm, with people becoming hooked on beating personal targets,...What Are the Best Vitamins for Weight Loss?
What are the best vitamins for weight loss? Good nutrition is linked to good health. Most people tend to forget that in order to lose weight, this not only includes diet and exercise, but vitamins and...What are the benefits of working with a dietitian?
Dietitians are the gurus behind nutrition and wellbeing – deciphering the science behind food and educating their clients on making smarter and healthier choices to suit their individual needs. Each...Fun weight loss games for groups
Weight loss doesn’t have to always be tedious and boring – it can in fact be fun! While it may sound silly, physical games are a great way to get your heart rate pumping and burn calories; and even better...5 Tips to Lower Your BMI
How to lower your BMI BMI (Body Mass Index) is a term commonly used by professionals when looking at an individual’s body fat. Measured by using a person's body mass and height, BMI can be a good...7 Tips To Change Your Mindset To Lose Weight
How do you change your mindset to lose weight? Post lockdown has come with many things; a few extra pounds of weight being one. As most people have led a largely sedentary lifestyle over the past year,...