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What Are the Best Vitamins for Weight Loss?

Fitness Tips, Healthy Eating, Medical Information

What are the best vitamins for weight loss?

Good nutrition is linked to good health. Most people tend to forget that in order to lose weight, this not only includes diet and exercise, but vitamins and supplements too. Ensuring your body is receiving the proper nutrients is important in supporting the efficiency of your bodily functions. Adding a few vitamin supplements to your lifestyle can in fact boost energy and aid weight loss. 


B Vitamins

Did you know that there are actually 8 B Vitamins? These include:

  • B1 (thiamin)
  • B2 (riboflavin)
  • B3 (niacin)
  • B5 (pantothenic acid)
  • B6 (pyridoxine)
  • B7 (biotin)
  • B9 (folate [folic acid])
  • B12 (cobalamin)

B Vitamins are essential in promoting and supporting a healthy metabolism and can be found in many foods we eat on a daily basis; such as, milk, cheese, eggs and green vegetables (to name a few). 

These vitamins are essential in breaking down the carbohydrates, fats and protein in your diet; turning that food into energy for the body to use. If you’re feeling tired and fatigued for no reason, causing you to exercise less, it could be down to a Vitamin B deficiency.


Vitamin D

Are your muscles aching and feeling weak? Feeling fatigued? Suffering from a low mood? These are all tell-tale signs that you may be lacking in Vitamin D! 

This vitamin is essential in maintaining your body’s overall health and wellbeing. While our body naturally creates vitamin D from direct sunlight, the pandemic and culture of working from home means that you may be getting less of it. 

While the relationship between vitamin D and weight loss is unclear, a study found that overweight individuals taking vitamin D supplements lost more stomach fat than people not taking any supplements.

By taking vitamin D, your immune system stays strong and insulin levels will become regulated. You’ll also notice energy levels increase and an improvement in heart health and muscle health. 

Although nothing beats going outdoors, there are a few good sources of vitamin D which can be added to your diet; these include oily fish (such as salmon), red meat, egg yolks and fortified foods.



If you consume a lot of nuts, dried fruits, beans, shellfish and red meat (to name a few), then you’re in luck – these are all great sources of iron! 

Iron is important for the body’s development and is largely involved in creating haemoglobin that carries oxygen from the lungs to tissues. Iron also plays a vital role in metabolism and in aiding your body to create energy from nutrients. 

If your body doesn’t have enough red blood cells, oxygen is then not able to travel where needed. This can result in extreme fatigue, weakness and shortness of breath, which make physical activity harder. In some cases, a lack of iron can result in iron deficiency anaemia. 

While iron is a key supplement we recommend including in your diet, consuming too much can lead to some unpleasant side effects such as nausea, vomiting and stomach pain. Be sure to take advice from healthcare professionals when taking weight loss supplements


Green tea extract

Although this may not be a vitamin, it is a supplement worth learning about if you’re actively on a weight loss journey! 

Green tea extract has been known to improve health and overall wellbeing due to its high antioxidant content. Made from dried green tea leaves, green tea extract includes caffeine as well as plant compounds called catechins. It is commonly said that green tea extract can encourage weight loss, blood sugar management and exercise recovery.



With iodine being added to table salt in the 1920’s and available in other commonly consumed foods such as milk, tuna and cheese, it is not often you know of anyone who has an iodine deficiency. 

With that being said, for those people suffering with an underactive thyroid, weight loss can be an area of concern. If this sounds like you, then it may be worth checking with your GP whether iodine is something you’re lacking.

One of the main symptoms of iodine deficiency is having a slow metabolism. Food is essentially stored as fat rather than being burned through energy; inevitably leading to weight gain. By taking iodine supplements, slow metabolism can be reversed and thyroid hormones can be stimulated – boosting the body’s overall immune system. A well functioning thyroid often results in weight loss.  


Still struggling with weight loss?

While supplements and vitamins can certainly aid weight loss, it is important to lead an overall healthy lifestyle to achieve your desired results. By implementing exercise and a healthy, balanced diet into your daily life, means that your chances of success will be greater. If you struggle with accountability, then having a mindset coach to help guide you could be beneficial.

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