Winter Exercise: Our Top Winter Activities For Weight Loss

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Looking For Fun Winter Exercise Activities To Do?

Winter exercise can seem like a struggle, and staying active in the cold weather can be a challenge over the Christmas holidays. This is especially true when it’s cold, dark, and icy outside!

Luckily, we have some fun winter exercise ideas to not only help with your weight loss journey, but also to keep the whole family busy no matter their level of fitness!

Have a go at some of these fun winter exercise activities to help with your weight loss journey - whilst having as much festive fun as possible.


1. Go Ice skating

Have you got a local ice rink open to you? If so, get down to your local rink and give it a go! Ice skating is a great winter exercise for weight loss! It’s an all over workout and requires a lot of core stability!


2. Hit the slopes

You don’t have to spend a fortune on a cabin in Val D’Isere to take part in this winter weight loss exercise. There are lots of indoor ski centres still open around the UK that mean you can burn calories and have fun skiing, snowboarding or ringo-ing inside!


3. Play in the snow

OK, we know we might be dreaming of a white Christmas and not all of the UK gets snow, and we're not ones to encourage play fights, but snowball fights can be fun! Looking for something a little less energetic? Try building a snowman – still fun even as an adult!


4. Walk around a Christmas market

Not technically a winter exercise, but walking is a great activity for weight loss, whether you're walking in the park, or around the shops. If you're lucky enough to have a market open, or your shops are still operating as normal, get present hunting and carrying enough presents could count as weights! It’s also the perfect excuse to get out, enjoy the fresh air and a nice walk.


5. Sledging

A fun winter exercise for the whole family! Pick up a cheap sledge from your local DIY shop and take it to your nearest hill. It doesn’t even need to be snowy; ice will do it. Plus, the walk up the hill to the top is great cardio!


6. Hand-deliver your local Christmas cards

Instead of spending money on stamps or risking delays in the post, why not walk your Christmas cards round to your local recipients? Get your step count up and save money!


7. Visit some Christmas lights

Know a local park that has illuminations? Or maybe a neighbourhood near you have a brilliant light display on their houses? Get out and about and explore the beautiful festive lights.


8.) Indoor Winter Exercises

We know the dark and cold days of winter can make your fitness take a backseat. With the current icy and foggy conditions, it can be enough to throw in the towel completely. But, December is the perfect time to get out and combat the over-indulgences you might have had. If the weather's really bad, how about trying these indoor exercises for weight loss?


We Hope You Enjoyed These Winter Exercise Ideas

Remember, if in doubt, outside is always free so find a friend or loved one and get your movement up this winter. It will do wonders for your mood, health and weight loss.

For further tips and advice or to kickstart your journey, the team at The Slimming Clinic are here to help and support you. Book an appointment with one of our wonderful weight loss doctors to find out more.

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