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Top Tips for Weight Loss to Help You on Your Weight Loss Journey

Healthy Eating, Weight Loss and Healthy Tips

Get top tips for weight loss, whether you want to start or are already on a weight loss journey, we’re here to make it as easy as possible for you.

We’ve all been there, we suddenly realise that summer is just around the corner and panic that we don’t have enough time to lose the weight to be beach body ready. We want a quick fix treatment to make us feel better about the Christmas pounds that somehow still haven’t left.

Unfortunately there is no healthy quick fix to losing weight. If you lose weight too quickly you could end up putting unnecessary strain on your organs, gaining stretch marks or saggy, excess skin. At The Slimming Clinic we focus on a healthy, gradual weight loss which results in keeping the weight off for good.

Here are some of our top tips for weight loss to help you on your weight loss journey:

  • Cut out sugar – Okay, we know this can be a tricky one to stick to but even cutting down on your sugar intake will help to cleanse your body and lose weight.
  • Fill up on vegetables – Especially low-carb veggies. These can include spinach, cauliflower, broccoli kale and other dark green veggies!
  • Eat healthy fats – There is such thing as healthy fat. These include avocados, coconut oil and olive oil.
  • Try lifting weights – Lifting weights can help to speed up your metabolism so your body can burn calories even after you’ve completed your workout.
  • Slow down when eating – The faster you eat the more work your body has to do to break down your food. If you chew your food more not only will this help to break it down but you might also find yourself being fuller with less food.
  • Use small plates – The smaller the plate, the less food you can fit on it. There is a psychological effect on the brain when finishing a full plate of food (even if it’s smaller) you feel more satisfied. You’ve still eaten a full plate but in reality you’ve eaten far less food.
  • Go food shopping after eating – Never go food shopping on an empty stomach. You’re more likely to give in to temptation and make poor food choices.
  • Try cooking instead of eating out – Even when choosing something from the low calorie menu, you still run the risk of not knowing how processed that food is. When cooking from scratch you can monitor what is going into your food and focus on making it as healthy as possible.
  • Keep track of what you’re eating – It’s very easy to snack on a biscuit or a handful of crisps and completely forget you did. Keeping a log of what you eat in a day can massively help you to be in control of what you’re eating.


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