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After perhaps over-indulging in food over Christmas and at New Years parties, and letting your exercise regime slide a little, the 1st January seems like the perfect opportunity to get back on the horse and start focusing on your weight loss journey again. If you have difficulties sticking to New Years resolutions, you’re not alone.

Here are some tips on how to stay active and healthy throughout 2017:

  • Start off by making one change at a time. Instead of making the resolution to merely ‘lose weight’, decide how you are going to do this and divide this goal into sub-categories.This will help you think about your ultimate goal of losing weight carefully and encourage you to plan your weight loss journey in a doable, effective way. Try setting monthly goals rather than just one for the entire year, for example: by the end of January, set yourself small but effective targets such as going to the gym at least twice each week or using the stairs instead of the lift at work at least 10 times this month.

new year weight loss

  • Instead of restricting yourself from doing or eating certain things, try limiting yourself from them instead of depriving yourself entirely. So instead of saying you would like to give up cake, say that you will only eat cake if it is someone’s birthday or if you are at a fancy restaurant. This will make the goal more achievable and prevent you from trying to get around your own excessively strict rules.

Healthy food ideas - get your 5 a day for losing weight.

  • Did you make a resolution to wake up early every morning and exercise? Try getting social media savvy and schedule a Tweet for your desired wake up time in the morning saying something like:

‘If you are viewing this tweet, I have failed to wake up on time. I will give £5 to each person who retweets this.’

This is a great way to motivate yourself to be up on time to delete the out-going tweet before it has a chance to post, to prevent you having to pay up and it will get you up and ready to take on the day.

  • If you are struggling with the willpower to simply stop buying sweets and treats at lunch time, try either packing your own lunch and bringing it to work with you so you’re not tempted to go outside and buy food.

healthy packed lunch for weight loss

Additionally, you can look at the price you would usually spend on junk food and put it in a jar or piggy bank. At the end of the month use the grand total to treat yourself to something nice like a new top or that lipstick you’ve been eyeing. You will be surprised with how much you will manage to save by not buying crisps and sweets every day, and your body will thank you for it!

If you know someone who is looking to lose weight, you can refer them and get a weeks free slimming. To find out more about our referral scheme, click here.

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