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Join Our Step Challenge & Step Up Your Fitness

Fitness Tips, Healthy Eating, Weight Loss and Healthy Eating Tips

Getting moving is an important part of becoming slimmer and healthier.  To inspire you to take action and step up your fitness, we are launching a step challenge.

Can you walk 8,000 steps per day for the next two weeks?  

We often hear from our patients who don’t know where to start to incorporate exercise for weight loss into their lives. Walking is a starting point. It is a great way to boost your weight loss and improve your health. It is something that most of us can do since there is not a lot of equipment needed. Joining our step challenge and walking at a moderate pace can burn between 100 to 300 calories an hour depending on your weight and the speed at which you walk. NHS guidelines are that adults take 150 minutes of exercise per week and walking is a great way of hitting this target.

Walking also increases your metabolism which means that even at rest your body burns more calories! That is a benefit that we can all aim for! Walking can also boost your mental health. You can walk with a friend catching up on news or having that conversation you need to have. But equally it can be an opportunity for some value ‘me’ time.

Have we convinced you? Then let’s get started and join the step challenge!

Here are ideas to help you get started and keep going:

  • Get a pedometer or fitness tracker: We encourage you to track your weight and your measurements, and so we encourage you to track your steps as well. This will help you monitor your progress and keep you motivated to reach your daily goal.
  • Plan your route and set an appointment in your diary: Plan a route for your daily walks so you know where you are going each day. Is there an area of your locality that you have always wanted to visit? If you aim to walk during a break at work, then think about your route. You can plan to vary your route to keep things interesting and extend your range a little every day.
  • Break it up: If 8,000 steps seem overwhelming, then try breaking it up into smaller goals throughout the day. For example, aim for 2,000 steps in the morning before breakfast, 3,000 steps during your lunchbreak and 3,000 steps in the evening after tea.
  • Make it a habit: Just as you always remember to clean your teeth every day, as it’s a habit, then why not try to walk at the same time every day so it becomes a part of your routine. To set started mark out time in your diary or book an appointment in your schedule until it becomes something you do automatically. This will help you get off to a great start, stay consistent and then turn walking into a daily habit.
  • Get support: Who can support you achieve your walking challenge? Is there a friend, colleague or family member who can join you on your walks or can help motivate you to reach your goal? Alternatively why not consider joining an online community or local walking group. They are likely to know the best routes and keep you going as you walk.
  • Stay hydrated:  plan: Develop a plan that includes a healthy diet and regular exercise. Consider consulting with a healthcare professional or registered dietitian to help create a plan that works for you.

We hope we have convinced you that incorporating walking into day is a great habit to adopt.

Why not start walking as you start your weight loss journey with the Slimming Clinic?

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