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No workout ‘workouts’…

Fitness Tips

What’s the number 1 excuse for not working out? Lack of time. Sure, we’re all busy handling multiple priorities and rushing around from here and there every day. Whether its ‘got to pick the kids up’ or ‘too much washing and cleaning’ there is always an excuse.

We have found a few tips on how to squeeze in exercise into your daily routine to improve your health and help lose those pounds:

No workout ‘workouts’

Getting fit and losing those extra pounds does not have to be a major chore. With our lives more busy than ever today we have chosen some no workout ‘workouts’ for you:

  • Park further away
    When you go to work or pop to the shops try parking a bit further away. Walk at a brisk pace for extra effect. This won’t just burn extra calories but will save you time trying to find a parking space.
  • Dance
    When you’re out at the weekend enjoying a few drinks or at a party celebrating get dancing for an hour! Not only is dancing fun but it tones your legs, bums and increases your flexibility.
  • At your desk
    Whilst sitting at your desk sit up straight and squeeze your abs tight for 30 seconds at a time. Each day this will tighten your abs meaning you are on your way to your dream toned stomach for the Summer.
  • Load up your bag
    Add an extra few items into your bag each day or even some super light weights. This extra weight will increase the calories you burn whilst walking around. If you carry your bag on one side make sure you alternate so that you get an even workout.
    *Be careful not to make your bag so heavy that it will cause a strain on your back.
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