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There’s only a few weeks left until the big day and only 2 weeks until the Little Black Dress Challenge is over. Week 10 brings with it some motivational tips on avoiding temptation with certain foods as Christmas approaches as well as some advice on how to overcome mindless snacking. It’s not long until the challenge closes, so keep going, you are going to look amazing in that little black dress!

How to avoid temptation

As Christmas is approaching, there are suddenly a lot more treats popping up everywhere. Mince pies and fruit cake in the office, kids bringing home gingerbread men that they made in school and of course, there’s a massive influx of chocolate everywhere! Avoiding temptation for all these treats can be difficult, but with these top tips, you can be the master of self-control.

Before snacking, ask yourself if you are really hungry. If not, try doing some things to distract yourself until the hunger pang passes, such as phoning a friend or reading a book. You can view our article on food cravings here.

Don’t store junk food (chocolate or crisps) at home. When you’re about to buy something unhealthy at the supermarket, ask yourself if it is worth ruining your fitness journey by having junk food.

Stock up on healthy, low calorie food for when hunger strikes, this is especially handy in the office when you start to get peckish as lunch time approaches. Bring in some carrot sticks for a sweet and crunchy guilt-free snack.

Keep yourself busy so you’re not always thinking about food, this is great because you can try and learn a new skill like learning a different language.

Never shop hungry. Prepare a shopping list and stick to it so you are avoiding the temptation to buy any junk food that you’re craving at the time. This will save your diet and money!


To read more about how to overcome food cravings and avoiding temptation, click here.

During this busy time of the year, it can be very easy to turn to food when you’re feeling stressed, upset or simply bored. Emotional eating can be beaten, although it’s not always easily done. In some cases, you may need professional help, but as a first step, you can try some of these simple techniques:

  • Listening to your favourite song
  • Shop online and do some retail therapy
  • Watch a movie
  • Phone a friend
  • Go for a walk
  • Clean the car
  • Have a bath
  • Do some exercises

If you have a friend or family member who are looking to lose weight, refer them to The Slimming Clinic to get a weeks free slimming. To find out more, click here.

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