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Choosing the healthier option is easier than you think! With just a few simple changes in your eating habits, you could make a big difference in your weight loss progress. The Slimming Clinic is here to help you, giving you different food swaps to try, making it almost too easy to be healthy.


Breakfast, as we have all heard before, is the most important meal of the day. Having a filling breakfast makes a big difference to your day, helping to provide energy throughout. That’s why it is important to ensure you’re eating a nutritious breakfast ready to set you up for the day.

  • White toast to wholegrain toast – Have wholegrain instead of white toast like seeded batch bread, multi-seed, granary, soya and linseed. These are more filling and do wonders for your digestive system as they’re full of fibre.
  • Jam to pure fruit spread / mashed banana – As a replacement for jam, you could try pure fruit spread or mashed banana. Other healthy choices are low-fat cheese, or almond butter and chopped banana.
  • Bacon to Turkey bacon – Try turkey bacon instead for a lower fat content. You could also try grilling instead of frying bacon and sausages to cut down the calories and fat.
  • Whole milk to Semi-skimmed / Skimmed milk – Make a simple switch from whole (blue top) milk, to semi-skimmed (green) or skimmed (red or orange top) milk. Having a pint of skimmed milk instead of a pint of whole milk will save you 164 calories and 19.8g of fat! That’s nearly the equivalent of four Oreos!  You could also try plant based milks if you’re feeling adventurous.
  • Shop bought juice to fresh fruit juice – Shop bought is high in sugar and low in fibre as its removed in the making process. As an alternative try blending fruits together to make a smoothie. Add some veg, like cucumber or carrots to help achieve your five-a-day target.
  • Latte to Flat white / Cappuccino – Switch the latte for a flat white or cappuccino with skimmed milk. These contain less milk, saving you at least 100 calories from your morning coffee.
  • Cereal bars to nuts / fruit – Cereal bars are high in sugar and fats, so for an improved breakfast snack on the go, have some fresh fruit and a handful of nuts in its place.


We all want a quick lunch that doesn’t cost a lot and is easy to make. These simple swaps will help you make your go to quick lunch meal that little bit healthier, saving you all those calories!

  • Mayonnaise to 1/2 mashed avocado – Avocado makes a fantastic substitute as it’s super creamy or try making your own dressing using olive oil, herbs and spices.
  • Full-fat cheddar to low-fat cottage cheese or a low-fat cheddar – Dairy isn’t the best when you’re trying to lose weight but if you really need your daily cheese fix try topping your jacket potato and salads with cottage cheese or reduced fat cheddar.
  • Jacket potato to sweet potato – Try swapping your usual potato for a sweet potato. These are high in fibre and vitamins, giving you a dose of good nutrients.
  • Creamy salad dressing to olive oil & balsamic vinegar or lemon – Instead of going for high fat sauces that can add hidden calories in to your diet, try olive oil and lemon or balsamic vinegar. This will make your salad super yummy and refreshing.


There’s no need to cut out carbs from your diet, carbohydrates are full of vitamins, fibre and provide energy. The focus should be on consuming the right type of carbohydrate sources, such as veggies, beans and wholegrains. These swaps will cut down your carb intake by using lower carbohydrate alternatives.

  • Pasta to courgette ribbons / aubergine sheets – There’s many variations of pasta nowadays. With people trying different veggie spaghettis, there’s no limit to what you can do! Try courgette spaghetti or an aubergine lasagne.
  • Chips to oven-baked sweet potato wedges – Swap chips for sweet potato wedges as they are high in fibre and lower in fat then the usual portion of chips.
  • Mince meat to chicken / turkey mince – Try swapping minced beef or pork with these white meat minces as they are always lower in Trans fats and higher in protein.
  • White rice to bulgur wheat – Bulgur wheat has a higher fibre content then white rice and less calories!


Snacks, if not done right can be the destructor of your diet! Be careful of your portions when it comes to snacks as we can all get carried away. These snack swaps will help you indulge in your treats without all the calories.

  • Biscuits to rice cakes with peanut butter & apple – This makes a low carb crunchy snack for the office that’s also high in protein!
  • Crisps to popcorn – Air pop your popcorn for a low calorie on the go snack.
  • Sweets to dried fruits – If you’ve got a sweet tooth and need your daily fix try around 30gs of dried fruits to curb your appetite.
  • Milk chocolate to dark chocolate – Swap out your usual chocolate buttons for some dark chocolate. Dark chocolate has many health benefits and can even lower your risk of heart disease!
  • Flavoured yoghurt & berry compote to Greek yogurt with honey & fruit – These pre-packaged flavoured yoghurts are full of sugar. Instead try making your own yoghurt pots with plain Greek yoghurt filled with good pro-biotics for your tummy along with honey and fruit to get your 5-a-day in.


Next time when you’re out with your girls try these drink swaps, helping to cut the calories while still having fun!*

  • Wine to G&T -Try a gin and slimline tonic instead of your usual glass of wine, saving you an average of 55 calories per glass
  • Vodka cranberry to vodka soda – Vodka Soda is virtually zero-carbs since it’s a clear spirit. Miss out the juice, and add soda water, reducing carb and calorie intake!
  • Rum & coke to rum & Diet Coke – Swapping to diet fizzy drinks can really help make your go to drink low calories!

We hope you take on and enjoy our food swaps.

* You cannot drink alcohol if you’re taking our prescription tablets.
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