About Us
We are proud to be the UK’s largest online weight loss clinics and have been helping our patients lose weight for 40 years. Our aim is to help as many people achieve their health and weight loss goals as possible.
We believe our Doctor led approach is at the heart of our success. By combining the power of weight loss medication with expert advice on diet, movement and mindset, our patients know they are getting treatment from the best.
Since March 2020, The Slimming Clinic has offered all our weight loss programmes remotely with our doctors over the phone and via video appointments and having treatments delivered to the doors of our patients by secure, reliable courier.
Our remote online weight loss programmes make losing weight with us easier and more convenient than ever and mean that you can speak to a medical professional 6 days a week, from Monday to Saturday, anywhere you are – home, work or even on holiday!
In early 2023 we offered our Online Prescription Service so that patients could access a weight loss programme without an appointment. Via our website you request your medication, add supporting elements and build your own bespoke programme. You then supply your medical history via our secure forms for our Doctors to review. This Online Service is available anytime, 24/7.
Did you know
In a survey of 947 patients, The Obesity Management Association found that those following a medical weight loss programme lost 9% of their body weight in just 12 weeks.
Research shows that constant support through doctor consultations is the most effective approach to weight loss and produces the best results.
Your online weight loss programmes can include:
Once you begin a medical weight loss programme with The Slimming Clinic, we recommend regular remote appointments with your doctor for support, encouragement and to keep a track of your progress.
Prescription medications, which are carefully and considerately chosen based on your needs and lifestyle.

Appointments with weight loss doctors and trained healthcare professionals.

Supportive weight loss supplements

Meet The Future You

“I lost 3st 12lbs”
My weight was always up and down from a young age till I was about 17/18 when I got to my ideal weight, this lasted until I was 21 and pregnant.
I put on about 6 stone going from a size 10 to a size 18 throughout my first pregnancy and really struggled to get it off.
After about 4 ½ years it was gradually coming off, until I fell pregnant again. After having my 2nd daughter in October 2018, my weight went back up to 15st 7lbs.
During my pregnancy and after, crisps, bread and chocolate continued to be my biggest downfall.
“I used to struggle with hip pain and getting out of breath easily, resulting in me being too embarrassed to go out or even take my eldest daughter to the park or the play area, I didn’t feel as though I could run around or climb through the play area. My confidence and self-esteem were again at an all-time low.”
After seeing lots of pictures of myself and knowing I had a lot of events coming up, from being a Maid of Honour in October, going to Australia for Christmas (and hoping to wear a bikini for the first time) and it being just over a year until I was due to get married, I knew I had to start losing weight as soon as I could.
I’m still currently losing weight and getting very close to my target weight. I have started facing fears by going to the gym. I even shocked myself when I realised that I was running around my daughters school playground playing tag with her and some of her friends, I would have never done that in the past, I’m also finding myself being more confident in the clothes I wear, by wearing clingier clothes and being able to fit into some of my pre-pregnancy clothes from 6 years ago.
“A friend recommended The Slimming Clinic and suggested I book a free consultation. It has been a lifesaver!”
Doctor Led Personal Weight Loss
Our GMC-registered Doctors will create a unique weight loss plan tailored to your needs, focusing on four key areas: medication, diet, movement, and mindset. If suitable, treatment may include weight loss pills or injections, with your BMI assessed, and delivery directly to your door.
Are You Ready To Improve Your Life In Every Way? Get Started Today With An Initial Video Consultation.
Need to know more? Speak to a member of the team by booking a call back.