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How Weight Loss Diets Boost Your Energy

Weight Loss and Healthy Tips

We need energy to function properly. The energy comes from the food we eat, but not all foods are energy rich sources of energy. Even when trying to lose weight with the help of a weight loss clinic, sustainable weight loss programs are those that are built around maintaining the right energy balance.

Energy balance is very important for your healthy lifestyle, your emotional state and your activities. If you’re not following a carefully crafted weight loss diet, fatigue and depression could occur due to deficient energy in the body and low blood sugar levels. Here are some weight loss tips to help you retain your energy levels.



Research suggests that apples can help keep the blues at bay. Apples are a source of Vitamin C and natural sugars which deliver a boost of energy and stabilize blood sugar. Besides, most weight loss tips insist on reducing your calorie intake by eating less frequently. Apples make you feel fuller for longer because they are rich in complex carbohydrates, making them a fantastic choice when you’re on a weight loss diet.

Apples lower cholesterol due to pectin. If you are using the services of a weight loss clinic, your doctor has most probably told you about the importance of reducing bad cholesterol. Pectin is a type of soluble fibre which grabs on to LDL (bad) cholesterol and takes it out of the body. Apples also deliver essential antioxidants which have been shown to decrease the risks of diabetes.



Oats have been proved to provide very high satiety levels, which helps to maintain a healthy weight. Low in calories and rich in fibre, oats are a great addition to your weight loss diet as they make you feel fuller for longer and provide you with plenty of essential vitamins and minerals. Oats are a great source of phosphorus, selenium, manganese, calcium, potassium, magnesium, vitamin E, B vitamins and protein. They are brilliant for those suffering from stress and tiredness and could help improve your skin.


Cashews and Almonds

Here’s another handy weight loss tip. If you are looking to incorporate nuts into your weight loss diet, these two are a great start. High in antioxidants cashews are not only great for preventing problems with your heart, they have also been known to aid in weight loss. Cashews are packed with essential minerals and vitamins including pantothenic acid (vitamin B5), pyridoxine (vitamin B6), riboflavin and thiamine (vitamin B1).

Almonds are some of the most nutrient-rich nuts.

They are a source of vitamin E and B vitamins.  Almonds also contain essential minerals like calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium, manganese, zinc and selenium. Both cashews and almonds contain lots of protein to help you sustain energy throughout the day.



Salmon in your weight loss diet will provide your body with proteins you need without the high fat levels of red meat and chicken. Salmon is also an excellent source of niacin, vitamin B12, vitamin B6, selenium, phosphorus and magnesium.

Salmon is a major source of Omega-3 fatty acids which can elevate your mood and even protect against depression.


Leafy greens

Almost all weight loss tips out there have a section on leafy green vegetables. Leafy greens like spinach, romaine lettuce and kale contain large amounts of iron and vitamins A, C and K. Iron deficiency is one of the most common causes for fatigue. Iron also helps you feel more alert and improves concentration levels



Not many foods contain the same amount of nutrients, minerals and vitamins as eggs do. As far as nutrition scientists are concerned, eggs should be considered a superfood. They are a great source of protein, are rich in B-vitamins, vitamins A, D, E, iron, calcium, phosphorous, potassium and choline. Eggs are also low in calories making them a great addition to your weight loss diet.



Broccoli contains a high amount of potassium, which helps maintain a healthy nervous system and optimal brain function, as well as promotes regular muscle growth. Along with a high amount of potassium, Broccoli also contains magnesium and calcium and is a powerful antioxidant and a source of vitamin C.



Here’s another fantastic weight loss tip. As well as a source of potassium bananas contain tryptophan, serotonin and norepinephrine, which are known to help prevent depression and encouraging feelings of well-being and relaxation. Bananas are also a source of vitamin B6 which helps protect against sleeplessness, mood swings and irritability.


Greek Yogurt

Loaded with protein, a source of calcium, Greek yogurt also contains probiotics which are great for the digestion system and boost energy levels. There are lots of other health benefits of eating Greek yogurt  including aiding weight loss by reducing appetite and keeping you fuller for longer.


Dark Chocolate

Dark chocolate contains caffeine and theobromine, both of which are stimulants and will boost your mood and energy and levels. Also, if you’re trying to lose weight, your weight loss diet should not be too restrictive as to sacrifice the health benefits that come from eating foods rich in vitamins and minerals.  Dark chocolate is fantastic if you’re following a weight loss program because it contains vitamins and minerals including potassium, copper, magnesium and iron. The iron in chocolate protects against iron deficiency anemia, and the magnesium in chocolate helps prevent type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease.


Take Away

Anyone who has ever tried losing weight knows that it’s not a smooth ride. With all the weight loss tips out there, knowing what works can be a little tricky. However, with the help of our specialised weight loss doctors, you can be on your way to achieving your goal weight.

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