How To Make Your Takeaway Healthier Without Losing Flavour

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Eating out or ordering takeaway does not have to mean sacrificing your health goals. With a few smart choices and a touch of creativity, you can transform your takeaway experience into a guilt-free and delicious affair.

Here are a few valuable tips on saving calories when eating out;

  1. Smart Choices
  • Opt for grilled, baked, steamed, or roasted dishes instead of fried options. A lot of oil equals extra empty calories and overall fat content.
  • Request sauces and dressings on the side to control the amount you use.
  • Practice portion control by choosing smaller sizes or sharing your meal with a friend.
  • Opt for steamed vegetables or salads as side dishes. They are nutrient-dense and low in calories compared to french fries.
  • Opt for lean protein such as chicken, turkey, fish or tofu. Processed food like sausages comes with extra fat.
  1. Explore new options:
  • Asian Delights: Asian cuisines offer plenty of healthy choices. Stir-fries are packed with colourful vegetables and lean proteins, steamed dumplings, or sushi rolls with nutrient-rich brown rice and lean fillings.
  • Mediterranean Wonders: Indulge in the flavours of the Mediterranean with dishes like grilled kebabs, Greek salads filled with fresh produce, or delightfully creamy hummus, plus a rainbow of veggies.
  • Mexican Magic: Opt for grilled fajitas, hearty bean-based dishes, and tangy salsa over heavy cream and cheese-laden options to satisfy your Mexican food cravings.
  1. Make your takeaway
  • Are you craving pizza? Make one at home. With a whole wheat crust, loads of veggies and lean proteins. You can be creative with the spices to elevate the flavour while keeping your calories in check.
  • Prepare healthier versions of your fast-food hankerings at home. Bake sweet potato fries or whip up oven-baked chicken nuggets. Eating home-cooked meals is associated with better dietary quality. And you enjoy the crispy satisfaction without the excess oil and calories.

Making your takeaway meals healthier doesn't mean compromising on taste or enjoyment. By implementing these tips, exploring low-calorie options, and experimenting with homemade recipes, you can relish every bite while staying true to your wellness goals.

Remember, moderation is key. You can embark on a journey towards healthier, happier takeaway experiences!


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