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Do you give yourself enough time to lose weight?

Confidence and Mood, Healthy Eating, Offers, Weight Loss Programme Information

Ever heard the phrase, ‘Rome wasn’t built in a day…’ – we bet that most of you have. But did you know that the English playwright John Heywood continued the phrase – ‘…but they were laying bricks every day.’

The main point of the phrase insinuates that good things take time, but you have got to make small progress, or ‘lay bricks’, every day to build the bigger picture!

We couldn’t help but think that this phrase is incredibly relevant when it comes to your weight loss. You might have heard us say a number of times before that those who commit to a weight loss programme long-term, stand more chance of success, and you know, we’re not just saying it for fun!

One of the most crucial parts of weight loss is giving yourself enough time to form new, better lifestyle and healthy eating habits, ‘laying the bricks’, for your weight loss journey.

However, because we are all so very different, the time it takes to form and build new habits can range from a few weeks to a few months and thus, you need to commit to a long term programme to ensure you give yourself the best chance of losing weight.

How many diets have you tried over time?

How many have you been unsuccessful on?

Whatever the reason you were unsuccessful, we can bet it stems back to not allowing yourself the time to build and form the habits you need to successfully drop the pounds for good.

With our weight loss programmes at The Slimming Clinic, we spend time with you finding the right balance of lifestyle, diet, movement and mindset to ensure you are on the best, most sustainable weight loss programme for you.

We don’t prescribe you restrictive meal plans, or over-exerting exercise programmes or tell you what you can and can’t eat, but we do look at you, as a person, and what you want to achieve.

There are 100s of different ways to lose weight but working with you and your lifestyle ensures we are able to find the right one that will work and help you lose weight for good.

But, like all good things, this takes time!

In order to build the very best weight loss programme for you, we need time to work with you, find out what helps you lose weight and is enjoyable and manageable for life.

For example, it might be that fasting helps you lose weight, but makes you low in energy, and isn’t sustainable forever. In this instance, we would use our regular 1-to-1 appointments with you and your feedback to the doctor and experts and devise something else that is more sustainable for you.

But, we need the time to work with you to find this out!

If you try for a month and it doesn’t seem to work and you give up, you will never find out what works for you and you may remain in a constant cycle of gaining and losing weight, which isn’t good for your health.

Giving us time to work with you also gives us more of an insight into your eating and movement habits and enables us to work out what might trigger a lapse on a weight loss journey and what keeps you motivated.

So whilst we know that there is nothing impressive about ‘laying one brick’, or forming one new positive weight loss habit, we do know that eventually, building the bricks up together does lead to greater things in the long term!

The great news is, that we recognise the need to build your weight loss journey brick-by-brick. We know it can take a little while for weight loss results to seem impressive and we are here to support you every step of the way.

See how we can help you!

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