Siobhan’s Success Story

Weight Loss Success Story

Weight Lost: 3 stone 10 pounds

Siobhan's story

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  • I don’t call this a diet because it doesn’t feel like one. I enjoy what I eat but now have smaller portion sizes and have cut out the junk food. I occasionally have a takeaway but I still manage to stay on track. I wish I joined the clinic sooner because ever since joining I have become a lot healthier and happier.

    I’ve always struggled with losing weight; everyone would always say “you're always on a diet!” Before having my son I was a healthy weight; attending the gym and having a personal trainer whom I had classes with 3 days a week before I went to work. I went to these classes until I was 12 weeks pregnant. I maintained a good weight through my pregnancy; it wasn’t till after I started to gain weight fast. I couldn’t go to my gym with a baby so I ended up going out for dinner with friends, mainly my sister. I would say this is the last time but I always ended up going back. Or I would have my sister to stay and we would order a Chinese or chippy rather than cooking.

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  • Looking to start your weight loss journey, then take action today!

    Book an appointment with one of our GMC-Registered Doctors who are weight loss experts and can ensure you get the best programme for you. Alternatively request your medication online using our online prescription service.