Shareen’s Success Story
Weight Loss Success Story
“I lost 2st”
Shareen’s Story
Age: 34
Occupation: Message Therapist
Start Weight: 11st 6lbs
Current Weight: 9st 7lbs
Plan: Pay As You Slim

I lost a lot of confidence. My clothes didn’t fit anymore after my daughter was born and I couldn’t shift the weight. I tried so many diets but nothing worked.
I didn’t feel confidence anymore going out. The day I realised I couldn’t cross my legs, I knew I had to make some changes.
A friend of mine works at the clinic, recommended it. It was the best decision I have ever made! I kept losing the weight week by week. I have now lost two stone.
Shareen’s Slimming Tips
1. Eat less.
2. Drink plenty of water.
3. More veg with less carbs!
Visit our Blog for more dietary advice and tips to help your weight loss
Looking to start your weight loss journey, then take action today!
Book an appointment with one of our GMC-Registered Doctors who are weight loss experts and can ensure you get the best programme for you. Alternatively request your medication online using our online prescription service.