Sammy’s Success Story
Weight Loss Success Story
“I lost 4st”
Sammy’s Story
Age: 29
Occupation: Support Worker
Start Weight: 20st
Current Weight: 16st
Plan: Pay As You Slim

From a very young age I have always suffered with being overweight and I was also bullied a lot in school because of my weight. By the time I was in my mid-20s I was at my heaviest, weighing almost 20 stone.
It was then I saw a picture of myself that was taken by my best friend whilst in the park with my goddaughter and it was my wake-up call. I looked uncomfortable in my own body and I barely recognised myself.
It was that moment that I realised how unhappy I was and needed to make changes in my life, and quickly.
When it comes to dieting, I have good intentions and a clear mindset to reach a goal and I start off well, but then get easily persuaded to give in to my cravings.
I then get bored and start to slump into my old habits of eating badly, binge-eating, large portions and quantities.
I feel like I am always trying new diets and always trying to watch what I eat. I have tried many dieting solutions and supplements bought from high street chemists to aid my weight loss.
Many were unsuccessful as they were not ideal for someone with a bigger appetite or heavy build and I constantly felt hungry, which made me give into my cravings and binge eat again.
Sammy’s Slimming Tips
1. Preparation is key – prepare lunches for work and breakfast.
2. Go for the healthier options.
3. Don’t give into cravings.
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Looking to start your weight loss journey, then take action today!
Book an appointment with one of our GMC-Registered Doctors who are weight loss experts and can ensure you get the best programme for you. Alternatively request your medication online using our online prescription service.