Gemma’s Success Story

Weight Loss Success Story

“I lost 4st 10lbs”

Gemma’s Story

Age: 30

Occupation: Cook/ Housekeeper

Start Weight: 20st 9lbs

Current Weight: 15st 13lbs

Plan: Pay As You Slim

About Image
  • I felt like I needed to make a big change in my life. I wanted to get back to being healthy and a size I would be happy with.

    My weight has always been a bit of a problem, but it got worse when I hit my late teens.

    I heard about The Slimming Clinic through a friend and thought I would pop in and see what they said and if they could help me.

    The best thing about losing weight was finding out I was pregnant after dropping the first two stone with The Slimming Clinic.

    I never thought about getting pregnant as I knew bigger women can struggle too, so when I found out it was a massive shock!  

    My friends think my weight loss is amazing and support my journey. They let me bombard them with weight loss pictures all the time.

    About Image

Gemma’s Slimming Tips

1. Have a good breakfast, little lunch and little tea.
2. If you fancy a treat, have it so you don’t end up binge eating instead.
3. Do lots of walking and drink plenty of water.

Visit our Blog for more dietary advice and tips to help your weight loss

  • Looking to start your weight loss journey, then take action today!

    Book an appointment with one of our GMC-Registered Doctors who are weight loss experts and can ensure you get the best programme for you. Alternatively request your medication online using our online prescription service.