Dr Daniel Ohio

Consulting Doctor

  • Dr Daniel Ohio

    Work Experience

    I have worked in various surgical fields, including general and vascular surgery.
    I have worked in the UK, Ireland and New Zealand.
    I am very much a believer in prevention being better than cure. Many of the illnesses that lead to people needing hospital treatment are as a result of lifestyle choices, particularly with regards to diet and weight.
    Before becoming a doctor I used to be a journalist and worked in Venezuela and Brazil.

    What I Love About Working at The Slimming Clinic

    I enjoy working at the Slimming Clinic as I am able to help people improve their general health and reduce the risk of serious conditions such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

    Interesting Facts About Me

    Outside of working for the Slimming Clinic I enjoy football, motor racing and cooking.

    About Image

MBBS Consulting Doctor at The Slimming Clinic


Consulting Doctor
at The Slimming Clinic
GMC Number: 7598329
M BS 2016 University of Limerick

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  • Looking to start your weight loss journey, then take action today!

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