Little Book Of Mindset

  • Download Your FREE Little Book of Mindset

    In need of a willpower boost? Finding your mindset is drawing you off your weight loss tracks?

    We hear so often that half the battle of your weight loss journey is getting your head in the right place to be determined enough to overcome any hurdles you might face on the ways to your goals. 

    How many times have you faced an obstacle on a weight loss journey and simply given up, because your willpower isn’t strong enough to deal with it?

    It might be an ‘off plan’ meal that turns into an ‘off plan’ week, which turns into a month, which turns into you losing sight of why you started your weight loss journey in the first place.

    If you’re finding it harder than ever to stick to your weight loss, then our Little Book of Mindset is exactly what you need to support you through the ups and down of your journey!

    About Image
  • What’s inside?

    We explore what mindful vs mindless eating is and teach you how to gain back control of your healthy eating when you find yourself struggling.
    There are excellent tips on how to form better, healthier habits and stick with them as well as how you can measure your success off the scales!
    All this, alongside articles written by our Mind Coach, Andrea, to ensure your mindset stays supported when you need it most.

Just fill in the form below to get your free Little Book of Mindset:

  • Looking to start your weight loss journey, then take action today!

    Book an appointment with one of our GMC-Registered Doctors who are weight loss experts and can ensure you get the best programme for you. Alternatively request your medication online using our online prescription service.