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How to spot and avoid fad weight loss diets!

Healthy Eating, Weight Loss and Healthy Eating Tips

This January, has your inbox and social media feed been inundated with the latest “miracle diet”?

This time of year, it can be tempting to jump on the latest “quick fix” that makes unrealistic weight loss promises when you’ve gained weight.

Unfortunately, there is no magic solution to losing weight, most of these “diets” are offering a short-term fix to a long-term problem.

So come with us now, as Lesley, our Dietitian takes us on a journey through spotting and avoiding fad diets!

What is a fad diet?

Fad diets tend to be a weight loss plan where you eliminate certain food groups or have a restricted food types or have strange food combinations or rules. They often cause a quick weight loss, and they are not designed to be used over the long term.

The issue is that due to the over restrictions in food or combinations of food they can get a bit tedious and are really difficult to maintain the restrictions, resulting in a return to previous eating pattern and the weight generally going back on.

But, how can you tell fact from fiction with a fad diet?

  • They promise rapid weight loss, for me this is always a warning sign. If you are losing weight rapidly it is more likely to be glycogen stores (stored energy in the muscles) or muscle tissue itself.  If they are promising more than 2lbs a week it is likely to be a fad diet.
  • If they promise you that you can lose weight without changing your lifestyle in anyway – it’s a fad. At The Slimming Clinic, we want you to change your lifestyle over the long-term, as this is what will keep the weight off for good, rather than it being a weight loss yoyo cycle of losing and then gaining again.
  • If the plan recommends some magical fat burning effects, it is likely a fad. I have a lot of clients who come to me with strange mythical beliefs of certain food i.e. hot water and lemon or apple cider vinegar in the morning has more fat burning benefits. This is, unfortunately, not true!
  • A fad diet often recommends that you eliminate food groups, but without medical reasoning. The diet will recommend groups such as dairy and wheat and will tell you to supplement them with a lot of expensive alternative and supplements to make up the difference. Eliminating wheat or dairy themselves should not be the reason you are gaining weight it maybe the portion size but not the food itself!
  • Another fad diet we’ve seen is that you should eat a certain way for your blood type, however, there is no scientific evidence that this aids weight loss. Your body can regulate itself the PH of your blood the types of foods you eat do not dictate the acidity of your body and weight gain.
  • If a diet plan recommends the need to detox or take supplements/ teas to help your body get rid of toxins and weight, it is likely a fad. There is no need to take anything to detox your body you have a liver and kidneys that perform these functions for you naturally. These supplements may make you pass more urine, but will not detox your body any better.
  • If there is no evidence, or the only recommendation is from a celebrity. Often these celebrities have been paid to endorse the diet plan. You should be careful of unqualified celebrities who maybe offering unproven techniques for weight loss.
  • Do you remember the Atkins, The South Beach, The Grapefruit diet, The Cabbage Soup diet or the Zone diet? If you have tried all these you know the pitfalls of fad diets! They are unsustainable, magic bullet diets, short term, promise laden and sadly, whilst they may work quickly, they are not designed for long term.
  • Remember, if it sounds too good to be true – it probably is!!


Indicators of a fad diet:

  • Mega doses of vitamins/ supplements
  • Hair analysis
  • Colonic irrigation
  • Tongue reading
  • Magnetic Therapy

So, how do you lose weight for good, without following a fad?

  • Keep track of how much you are moving and jot down what you are eating
  • By tracking you will begin to see if there are any problem areas
  • Look at your portion sizes
  • Check the fat content of the food you are eating and how much fats you are cooking or putting on food
  • Keep active aim for a minimum of 30 mins activity 5 days a week
  • Set yourself realistic weight loss goals, this way we know that it is sustainable and more likely to be body fat.

It is hard not to be lured by the promises and shininess of fad diets, my advice is before you commit your time, money and energy into the newest fad diet do your research and think about if you could sustain this diet.

Can you see yourself doing it in 3-6 months-time? How about in a year? If you answer is no, approach your weight loss differently!

Get the weight loss and health support you need from our experts at The Slimming Clinic – find out how we help you differently to any other weight loss programme with our holistic, well-rounded approach.

4 simple steps to a slimmer you

Step 1

Call us to book your FREE initial consultation call with a GMC-registered doctor

Step 2

Attend your Private Weight Loss and Wellness Assessment, local to you

Step 3

Work with the Doctor to find the best weight loss programme for you

Step 4

 We encourage you to have a weekly support appointment so your journey stays on track

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