Can Weight Loss Prevent Diabetes?

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Can weight loss prevent diabetes is a common question. Let's start with the stats. Did you know that there is an estimated 4.9 million people in the UK with diabetes, including an undiagnosed 850,000 people who are unaware that they have type 2 diabetes? This is according to research by Diabetes UK, who explained that the rates of diabetes have doubled over the past 15 years. In fact, Diabetes UK research found that more than 150,000 people were diagnosed with diabetes in 2020 alone.

Chris Askew, chief executive of Diabetes UK explained:

The number of people with diabetes is increasing year on year. The pandemic has shown with devastating clarity how diabetes puts you at increased risk of poorer outcomes when it comes to contracting the virus. 

Additionally, it is thought that up to 90% of cases of diabetes are type 2 - which is often preventable as it is heavily linked to poor diet and lifestyle.

As Chris Askew continues,

...we know that with the right support, up to half of type 2 diabetes cases - and the accompanying risk of developing life-threatening complications - can be delayed or prevented.

This is because we understand that the biggest single contributing factor to type 2 diabetes is being overweight or obese, a preventable and reversible condition that now afflicts over 60% of the UK population. This means that in a lot of cases of type 2 diabetes, we would be able to reverse, or reduce suffering from it simply by adopting a healthy lifestyle, weight loss diet or weight loss program.


What are the symptoms?

The NHS website lists the typical symptoms of type 2 diabetes as:

  • peeing more than usual, particularly at night
  • feeling thirsty all the time
  • feeling very tired
  • losing weight without trying to
  • itching around your penis or vagina, or repeatedly getting thrush
  • cuts or wounds taking longer to heal
  • blurred vision
You're more at risk of developing type 2 diabetes if you:
  • are over 40 (or 25 for south Asian people)
  • have a close relative with diabetes (such as a parent, brother or sister)
  • are overweight or obese
  • are of Asian, African-Caribbean or black African origin (even if you were born in the UK)


But why does being overweight or obese put us at risk of type 2 diabetes?

Being overweight or obese can make you at risk of type 2 diabetes as low exercise, poor diet and excess body weight around the waist are all risk factors. Studies have shown that fat around your tummy causes fat cells to release chemicals that can make you insulin resistant and have a raised concentration of glucose in your blood - a key indicator of diabetes.


How do I know if I am at risk of diabetes?

How could you find out if you are at risk of, or already have, type 2 diabetes? You could start by taking our free online symptom checker quiz:
Type 2 Diabetes Quiz

Read more about how to get tested for diabetes here.


How can we prevent, or even reverse a diabetes diagnosis?

You can help yourself by making some small lifestyle changes, such as:

  • Adopting a healthy lifestyle or weight loss diet
  • Joining a weight loss program supported by medical experts to aid weight loss and lower your BMI, blood pressure and cholesterol
  • Take part in exercise for weight loss and physical activities of about 2.5 hours a week


I am worried I am at risk...What can I do?

Don't be worried - you can do something about it. Our weight loss doctors at The Slimming Clinic have cared for many patients who are diabetic or pre-diabetic and helped get their condition under control again.


  • Looking to start your weight loss journey, then take action today!

    Book an appointment with one of our GMC-Registered Doctors who are weight loss experts and can ensure you get the best programme for you. Alternatively request your medication online using our online prescription service.