Book an Initial Consultation
with the Weight Loss Doctor

Book a Doctor Appointment

Start your journey with a 50-minute Initial Video Consultation with your doctor

Only £50*

*£50 will be credited toward your programme upon attending your consultation and beginning an Appointment based treatment programme. It will be refunded if you are medically contraindicated to all of our medication. It will also be refunded if you decide to cancel your appointment providing you notify us at least 48-hours before your appointment time and date by calling us on 0800 917 9334

At an appointment you may purchase a programme in two ways; you may pay in advance for three months or more to receive a discount or pay via subscription. You may not purchase a single month. Your subscription is cancellable at any time. We will require 2 weeks notice before your payment date if you do wish to cancel

Doctor Appointment
Select a time and date suitable for the patient to have an initial Consultation with the Weight Loss Doctor.
You will then be asked to fill in a few simple details.
A full medical form will be emailed to the patient to complete prior to the consultation.
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